Ceysu Overview
In 2003, Ceysu was founded in Antalya, Turkey. The initial capacity was 10 000 bottles/hour. The present capacity is 50 000 bottles/hour. Ceysu complies with the standards and regulations set by the Turkish Government, as well as International Guidelines. Ceysu fills its natural spring water into PET and Glass bottles. There are 7 sizes for the PET bottles and 2 sizes for the Glass bottles. Ceysu natural spring water is an alkaline water which is high in calcium and magnesium, and low in sodium. Ceysu is a great beverage choice for hydration and refreshment because of its consistent safety, quality, good taste, and convenience.
Ceysu’s water source comes from Saklikent’s Tekirpinar Spring, approximately 2000 meters above sea level, situated in the Taurus Mountains in Turkey. The actual origin and quality of the Tekirpinari Spring is one of Turkey’s most healthy water.
Standards and Regulations
The Turkish Ministry of Health has set standards and regulations, specified in accordance with European standards, for Ceysu’s water source and for providing a hygienic environment.
The Ministry has set conditions for the source to be completely isolated from the external environment. There are no structures around the area in order for it not to affect the natural spring water. Health protection has been complied with for the entire water catchment area. The catchment is completely tiled and is located entirely in an environmentally protected area.
A food grade polyethylene water pipeline is used from the natural spring water source to the Ceysu facility. This pipeline is 24 km long. After travelling this length, Ceysu natural spring water arrives to a 400 ton tank in the facility. Within the facility stainless steel tanks and polyethylene pipes are used in order to prevent breaks and leaks. In this manner, the water has no contact with air, exposure to contamination and pollution. Machine operators abide to strict equipment handling practices and ensure that the water is not contaminated from when it is bottled, to when it reaches the consumer. All necessary precautions are taken against external influences from the source, through the pipes, machinery and personnel.
The professional and experienced staff at Ceysu use the latest technologies that exist in Turkey. They conduct and maintain quality control in accordance with ISO 9001/2000 and HACCP Food Quality Assurance System to fulfil the requirements of the water bottling industry.
Onsite, Ceysu has a laboratory equipped with the latest technology that enables the water to be tested – before, during and after production. In order to ensure Ceysu’s natural spring water is pure and uncontaminated, personnel perform the necessary analysis of the water on a regular basis, upto 3 times a day. As well, quality tests are carried out by independent labs every 2 months. Physico-chemical characteristics and bacteriological parameters are controlled on the catchment, the reservoirs, the factory and the bottling lines.
Quality standards and controls as well as spring protection help Ceysu to protect its’ water quality at a large scale. As well, the choice of packaging materials considers environmental parameters.
Capacity of the Water Bottle Lines
Ceysu fills its water into PET and Glass bottles. There are 7 sizes for the PET bottles and 2 sizes for the Glass bottles. The various bottle sizes are filled efficiently and effectively.
Bottle Type | Bottle Size | Bottle/Hour |
PET Line | 0,2 lt | 40.000 |
PET Line | 0,33 lt | 40.000 |
PET Line | 0,5 lt | 40.000 |
PET Line | 1 lt | 15.600 |
PET Line | 1,5 lt | 20.000 |
PET Line | 5 lt | 5.500 |
PET Line | 5 gallon | 2.000 |
Glass Line | 0,33 lt | 7.000 |
Glass Line | 0,75 lt | 7.000 |
Cup Line | 0,2 lt | 20.000 |

Ceysu Composition
Ceysu natural spring water contains large amounts of quality minerals. The composition of Ceysu is as follows:
Alkaline Ph | 8 |
High Calcium | 31.78 mg/L |
High Magnesium | 3.9 mg/L |
Low Sodium | 1.31 mg/L |
Alkaline Water
The Ph meter measures the acid and alkaline of the water. Those waters above Ph 7 are called alkaline waters. They consist of rich amounts of calcium and magnesium.
Water is the most crucial factor in establishing and maintaining proper acid-alkaline balance. Since the body is 70% water, it is very important to constantly replenish the supply of it. The water put in the body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences on cells. Water must also transport minerals and nutrients required for cell metabolism, and remove any substances that can damage the cell. Alkaline water helps to neutralize stored acids and toxins. Once these acids are neutralized, they can then be removed by the body.
High Calcium
Ceysu is high in calcium. Calcium is the most significant mineral that protects the health of bones and teeth. It also helps many other body functions.
Your bones remodel throughout life according to the stresses placed on them, much like a muscle responds to exercise. During childhood and adolescence, bones increase in size and mass. They continue to add more mass until approximately age 30, when peak bone mass is reached. Bone loss is a gradual process much like bone growth. Thus, the stronger the bones are at age 30, the more likely bone loss will be delayed Therefore, it is particularly important to consume adequate calcium, along with magnesium and vitamins D and K2 throughout childhood and adolescence.
Bone breakdown occurs when calcium intake is low or calcium is poorly absorbed. It occurs because the body must use the calcium stored in bones to maintain more urgent biological functions such as generating a heart beat, nerve and muscle function. Bone loss also occurs in post-menopausal women because of a decrease in estrogen. Researchers have identified many factors that increase the risk for developing osteoporosis. These factors include being female, thin, inactive, of advanced age, cigarette smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, taking immune suppressing drugs such as prednisone, and having a family history of osteoporosis.
Kidney Stones are crystallized deposits of calcium and other minerals in the urinary tract. Calcium oxalate stones are the most common form of kidney stones. High calcium intake or high calcium absorption were previously thought to contribute to the development of kidney stones, but more recent studies show that high dietary calcium intakes actually decrease the risk for kidney stones.
Several studies have linked higher calcium intakes to lower body weights or less weight gain over time, while other studies have found little or no effect of calcium on fat loss. Two explanations have been proposed for how calcium may help to regulate body weight. First, high-calcium intakes may reduce calcium concentrations in fat cells by lowering the production of two hormones (parathyroid hormone and an active form of vitamin D), which in turn increases fat breakdown in these cells. In addition, calcium from food or supplements may bind to small amounts of dietary fat in the digestive tract and prevent its absorption, carrying the fat out in the feces.
Some studies indicate if one eats a vegetarian diet high in plant minerals including calcium, magnesium and potassium, and fiber, one tends to have reduced blood pressure. This study titled “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)” was reported by the National Institutes of Health. It examined the effects of three different diets on high blood pressure: a control, “typical American” diet and two modified diets (high fruits-and-vegetables and a combination “DASH” diet – high in fruits, vegetables, and calcium). The combination “DASH” diet, with increased calcium, decreased blood pressure. A number of further studies have been done, all showing a similar relationship between increasing calcium intakes and decreased blood pressure.
High Magnesium
Ceysu contains high magnesium levels. According to some researchers Magnesium plays a significant role in protecting heart and vascular systems.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
Health specialists have always emphasized the importance of including adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in a daily diet. Zinc, calcium, and magnesium are three of the most important minerals essential for good health. Magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium by the body, while zinc actively supports the body’s immune system.
Women of all ages benefit immensely from the intake of magnesium. Besides keeping osteoporosis at bay, magnesium health benefits in women include relief from symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It also minimizes the risk of premature labor.
The other crucial health benefits of magnesium include protein synthesis, relief from bronchospasm (constricted airways) in the lungs, and improvement of parathyroid function. It boosts the bio-availability of vitamin B6 and cholesterol, improves muscle functioning, and prevents osteoporosis, insomnia, constipation, heart attacks, hypertension, constipation, migraines, kidney stones, and gallstones.
Low Sodium
Ceysu has one of the lowest sodium levels. It produces no table salt, which is vital for cardiopaths and those that suffer from high blood pressure.
Sodium (Na) + Chloride (Cl) = Table
Low sodium diets are most commonly recommended to treat hypertension
A low sodium diet can also help to prevent or manage several other serious and life-threatening diseases
A low sodium diet can provide unlimited health benefits. The Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet is the most well-known and popular low sodium diets. The Dash Diet can: decrease blood pressure quickly, can help lower cholesterol, can help reduce insulin resistance, can help prevent heart disease and stroke, can help prevent chronic liver disease, can help prevent osteoporosis, can help prevent some types of cancer, and can help prevent obesity.
Ceysu Appeal
Ceysu’s water components are a health benefit. Ceysu’s composition appeals to those that want water that is healthy and pure.
Ceysu is strong in the local market of Antalya, Turkey, and the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Ceysu does have distributors throughout the country. Ceysu has been distributed to 58 cities (out of 81 cities) within Turkey. The company has its own distribution channels in Antalya and serves more than 2 000 retailers (ie. cafes, restaurants, etc.). In addition, Ceysu serves 147 five star hotels between Alanya and Bodrum. This area is one of the most important tourism destinations of the world.
Although Ceysu is a family run business, it is actively able to compete with the bigger names such as Nestle and Danone. The advantage of Ceysu, compared to competitors, is price and water composition.
Recently, Ceysu has changed its logo to appeal to the consumer. The new logo is simple, chic and modern – a lot like its water. As well, the PET bottle has changed with a simple wave/ridge design. This new PET bottle is sturdy and easy to grip.
Ceysu is also launching a new Glass bottle for the spring of 2012. There has been a demand for glass bottle production, especially for restaurant and hotel use.
Consumer Trends
Bottled water is a great beverage choice for hydration and refreshment because of its consistent safety, quality, good taste and convenience.
Consumers look for security, in emerging as well as in industrialised countries. They often mistrust their tap water, because of previous bacterial contamination for instance, and perceive bottled water as being safer than tap water.
Bottled water is often an alternative to tap water. Consumers often object to the taste of chemicals, particularly chlorine, used to purify tap water. Although the flavour of water is subtle there are differences in flavour between waters. There has been a formula developed by Fine Waters to determine the flavour of water. It is:
Flavour = Taste + Smell + Mouthfeel
However, in general, flavour is a matter of personal preference.
Consumers drink bottled water because they care for their health. In Europe, there is a long tradition, dating back to Roman times, of spas and of drinking mineral waters for medical purposes. People now buy bottled water to feel well, responding to advertising campaigns based on well-being, energy, slimming, fitness etc. Bottled water is a healthy alternative to other beverages (sodas, alcohol, beverages containing artificial sweeteners or colouring). It is calorie-free and attractive for people willing to lose weight. Indeed, bottled water consumption is closely linked to the way consumers face their nutrition and the current trends for healthier eating.
Increase in Urbanization
Increasing urbanization, causing tap water quality to decline, has lead to an increase in bottled water consumption. In numerous European cities, many old pipes for tap water distribution are made of lead. As a result, consumers may prefer bottled water rather than damaging their health by drinking water thought to be contaminated with lead. As well, consumers may be in search of genuine products. This trend goes along the fashion for “green” food products. Ceysu natural spring water is natural and pure.
Increase in Standards of Living
Increasing standards of living and greater use of cars enabled people to buy water in supermarkets and to bring home higher number of bottled water, without difficulty.
The explosion of bottled water consumption also reflects deep changes in working habits in industrialised countries, with the decline of the agriculture and industry sectors. In these countries, most people have office work and the bottle of water is now a common element on a desk, next to the computer and the telephone. Drinking expensive bottled water (compared to tap water) is a sign of a rise in the social scale.
Packaging Materials
PET is increasingly used for many reasons: it is brighter than PVC, very transparent and it almost looks like glass. PET is shatter-resistant and easy to work on. Its light weight (20% lighter than PVC) enables to reduce plastic quantities needed to make a bottle. It is compressible, so volumes of waste are smaller. PET is in addition easy to recycle or remanufacture: it can be turned into polyester carpets, fabrics and fibres for the textile and clothing industry, plastic films, eggs boxes, industrial strapping and new PET bottles. When burnt, it doesn’t release chlorine into the atmosphere. PET bottles have much lower environmental impacts than other packaging.
Glass doesn’t lose its properties when recycled. Glass bottles can be washed and re-filled about 80 times. 77% of new glass produced comes form used glass. Introducing used glass in the manufacturing of new glass products enables to reduce by 25% energy needed.
Drinking bottled water has become a part of many people’s everyday lives. Numerous reason lead consumers to buy bottled water. From bad tap water taste or quality, fitness objectives and/or safety purposes. The trend toward consuming more and more bottled water will keep increasing in the coming years. Ceysu Natural Spring Water plays an active role in this flourishing market.
Ceysu’s water composition and facilities are of great quality. By using the latest technologies and following standards and regulations, Ceysu is a pure and healthy water provided in a bottle. Ceysu provides an array of natural spring water bottle sizes in PET and Glass format and distributes its products efficiently throughout Turkey. Ceysu does have the capacity to distribute internationally.